On The Run

What’s MOTIVATING Me to Run This Winter?

Was it all just fake news?! We were told Botswana was going to experience a record-breaking warm winter. And right up until the end of May this certainly seemed to be the case. Then BOOM! June arrived and we were all shocked. I cannot remember the last time we have experienced such low temperatures (1˚C – 4˚C) in the early mornings. Fortunately for us, the day temperatures do rise to around 20 – 26˚C but for morning runners it has been extremely difficult to leave the warmth of the bed! I’ve already written a couple of blogs about PRACTICAL tips for surviving winter as a runner in Botswana (here and here) but today I’m sharing what has been MOTIVATING me to run this winter.

1/ All the New Art in Gaborone. According to this article, you’re an art buff if you own an extensive collection of art, you attend art auctions where you engage in “stimulating conversations” with fellow art enthusiasts, you recognise the paintings on your friends’ walls, you find looking at art very therapeutic, and you enthusiastically show off your pieces to anyone who visits. Ahem, so by this definition, I’m not there yet (not by a long shot!) BUT I absolutely love how street art, especially murals, have a way of uplifting a place. I thought I knew all the murals in Gaborone but in the last few weeks, there’s been an injection of new art in the city, and I’ve loved seeing the different pieces on my run.

Not only murals, but there are also sculptures in the Main Mall as well as outside the National Museum. My husband named this sculpture ‘The Bicycle Goddess’ as it’s made from various bicycle parts – chain rings for the dress design, gear cassettes for the boobs, and bicycle chain for the hair. Isn’t it neat?!

I might not be an art buff, but I’ve been so excited to discover all this street art on my runs! I’m looking forward to finding even more. It’s definitely worth the 15 minutes of discomfort at the start of a run.

2/ Catching Up with Friends. One of the tips I’ve previously shared about running in winter is doing it with a friend. And this winter, I’ve found it so useful. Knowing you can’t let someone down PLUS you’re actually looking forward to catching up makes it that much easier to get out. I have a long-standing Wednesday date with my friend Zurika. It is such a rewarding run and by the time we are done, we are warm, have caught up on all things life, and are ready to start the day. Last week, I drove to Phakalane to run with Tshire and we found this old wooden door that we have long envied from Elisa’s posts!

3/ The UB Half Marathon. If you’ve been with me a while, you know how goal driven I am! Although I’ve grown to love running (context for new readers: I hated running for the first three years), I still need a goal to keep me focused. This winter I’m training for the UB Half Marathon scheduled for early September, and I’m also eyeing the Botswana Life Classic Half Marathon in July as a training run. So, just knowing I have these races coming up, has made it easier to get out of bed. Remember, I’m still chasing that elusive sub-2h15 Half Marathon!

4/ Activation Runs. I’m not sure whether this is a global thing, an Africa thing or just a Botswana thing! Let me know. In Botswana, we have what we call “race activation” runs. Race organisers will often hold FREE, regular (sometimes weekly) running events to spread awareness, build momentum and create excitement about a particular race. I don’t participate all the time but this weekend I’m looking forward to the activation run hosted by the Fearless Fitness Club for the Botswana Life Classic Half Marathon. The camaraderie is always amazing especially in winter when you need that extra bit of motivation.

5/ I Love the Routine! When life gets tough, I fall into some poor habits (not hydrating, sleeping late, waking up late, unnecessary snacking, skipping runs, etc.) so a few weeks ago I committed to a simple morning routine, which has helped to give me the structure I need. The routine starts with a run, followed by stretching, a hot shower, a healthy breakfast, some reading, all before I start my workday. It’s such a simple routine, but when I do it, I’m more relaxed, have higher energy levels, mental clarity, and I’m so productive. It also means I sleep earlier and more soundly. With this routine, I find I go to bed actually looking forward to my cold early morning runs and all the spin-off effects.

What motivates you to run in winter? Do you have race activation runs in your town? Does a morning routine set you up for a good day?

Excited to link up with My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday! Be sure to read their blogs for some inspiration! 

15 thoughts on “What’s MOTIVATING Me to Run This Winter?

  1. Your winters sound exactly like ours here in Perth! May was wonderful then bang! We had 4c this morning and I was miserable! lol. You are definitely more motivated than me!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. these are all seriously good motivators! I can’t believe just how cold your mornings have been! if it makes you feel any better the so-called summer is still not happening here; it’s been rain, rain and more rain.

    love the idea of the activation runs! we don’t have that here!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I so agree. Signing up for a race motivates you to get out and run. Even if weather is not optimal.

    all the reasons you mentioned are valid.

    looking forward to following your training. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love all the art! We just had a new public art space open and I neeeed to go check it out!

    Winter motivates me to run LOL. Our summers are so hot that the cold weather is an immediate win and I am always bouncing out the door to take advantage of it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The new art has been AMAZING! Please check yours out too, I’d love to see it on the blog!

      You actually have a BRILLIANT point about winter being the actual motivation. My long runs feels so much better during winter and the fact I can get out later because there’s no scorching sun to avoid!


  5. Winter and Summer are my least favorite seasons for running. I’ve learned that how I dress is one of my motivations for running in the cold weather. The year that I did my run streak, we got a lot of snow and we had very cold days. I still ran. I like the idea of activations runs but we don’t have those here.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the art and the bicycle woman! We get these art trails every few years where there’s the same shape (owls, gorillas) decorated differently by different artists and charities. We don’t have those activation races as far as I know, that’s a great idea. And I much prefer running in the winter than the summer, although not so much when it’s icy …

    Liked by 1 person

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