
Medihelp 10k Training Recap: Weeks 1 – 3

Three weeks have flown by since I last wrote. My initial aim was to post weekly updates leading to my next race on the 4th March, but these weeks were plagued with immense self-doubt, a whopping migraine and a tummy bug! Week 1 Sunday: Immediately after the Jack’s Gym 5k Trail Run, I felt energised, excited and… Continue reading Medihelp 10k Training Recap: Weeks 1 – 3

Race Recap

Jack’s Gym, 5k Trail Run Recap (#1/17)

**This is my first blog post as I begin a journey to 17 races in 2017. For an introduction to who I am and why I am doing this, please click here** My first race was a 5km trail run on the 4th February 2017. Since January, I have been following a walk-run programme and two weeks ago, I… Continue reading Jack’s Gym, 5k Trail Run Recap (#1/17)